Saturday, January 15, 2011

Install Oracle/Sun Java on the N900...

Officially, the N900 does not have Java pre-installed, and the closes thing to getting Java on the Maemo5 platform was to install IcedTea which is located in the Extras repository at in a package called icedtea6. To know more about the IcedTea project, read more about it at

If you are reading this tutorial to install Sun Java 6 on your N900, you must remember to first remove IcedTea from you device. To do that, just run the Application Manager and remove the package called "icedtea6".

Getting the installer

You will need to go to the Sun Developer Network site and download the Java SE for Embedded 6. You can do that by going to this link.

Download the latest version (currently it's Java SE for Embedded 6 Update 21), agree to their license agreement and select "Linux (ARM)" platform. You will then be asked to select which version of the ARM platform you will be using Java on and you should select the "Headful, EABI, Hard Float (VFP), Little-Endian" variant of the ARM platform. At the time of writing this article, that would be "Java SE for Embedded 6 Update 21 (Build 9) ARMv7 Linux - Headful, EABI, Hard Float (VFP), Little-Endian"

Once you have completed the download, you should get a file called ejre-1_6_0_21-fcs-b09-linux-arm-vfp-eabi-min-27_sep_2010.tar.gz. Proceed by copying this file into the microSD card main/root directory.

You will then need to go to terminal shell and as root (please see my earlier post on how to install and gain root access) do the following:

$ sudo gainroot
# cd /opt/
# tar -zxvf /media/mmc1/ejre-1_6_0_21-fcs-b09-linux-arm-vfp-eabi-min-27_sep_2010.tar.gz

This will extract the tar file's content into a folder called ejre1.6.0_21 in /opt. You will then need to create the necessary symbolic links so that Maemo5 can access the necessary binaries by typing in (again, as root):

# ln -s /opt/ejre1.6.0_21/bin/* /usr/bin/

To test if the installation was done correctly, open a new terminal shell and type:

$ java -version

You should get the response:

Java version "1.6.0_21"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition for Embedded (build 1.6.0_21-b09)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 19.0-b02, mixed mode)

You can now run any Java application on your N900.

Running Java ME applications

If you want to run midp (Java ME application in Java SE) applications, you will need to install a separate application called MicroEmulator which is a Java implementation of Java ME in Java SE. Then you will need to download from here, unzip the file in /opt and you will now have access to thousand of Java midp applications. To run a Java program, go to terminal shell and type:

$ java -jar app.jar

Replace the name app.jar as necessary.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Software for the N900...

If you want some commercial software for the N900, you can visit the Ovi store.

If you want open source/community developed software, you can find them at, you can even ask questions or HOWTO tutorials from the community there.

However, if you want some gray area software, you should visit my homepage which hosts some very hard to find software for the N900. At the moment, it has the following:

  • NeoPwn v2 (beta)
  • Packet Injection (wifi) for N900
  • Adobe Flash v10.1 for Maemo5
  • VLC mobile v1.1.5 for Maemo5

If you have access to any other similar software which people cannot fine easily, do let me know and I'll host it as well.

Recovering the N900 phone lock code...

If you forgot your phone lock code or bought the N900 second-hand and can't seem to locate the seller to ask for the phone lock code. You can now get the phone lock code quickly without sending your phone to a service center.

Before you can follow the instructions below, you will need to access the N900's terminal shall and be able to access root privileges. This can be done by running the Application Manager and installing an application called "rootsh".

You will also need a tool on your computer (I assume you are using Ubuntu) called "John the Ripper", go to a terminal shell and type:

$ sudo apt-get install -y john

On your N900, go to the terminal shell and type in the following:

$ sudo gainroot

# echo root:$(grep -A 13 lock_code /dev/mtd1|tail -1): > /home/user/MyDocs/phone_lock_hash

This will create a file called "phone_lock_hash" at path /home/user/MyDocs which you will need to transfer to your Ubuntu computer where "John the Ripper" is installed. The easiest way to transfer the file is to use the USB cable provided and plug the N900 to your computer in "Mass storage mode". You will find the file "phone_lock_hash" in the "Nokia N900" storage device.

Once you've copied the file, you can then start brute forcing the password. Again, go into a terminal shell and type:

$ john -i:digits phone_lock_hash

Depending on the length of the password and the speed of the processor used, it can take anywhere from a split second to a few hours to crack the hash. The "-i:digits" tells the tool to only use numerical digits since the phone only accepts numerical input for the password (this speeds up the brute force process).

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Getting to the root of things...

To do most things on the N900, you will need to have root access for your device. Unlike other devices on the market, you need not do anything fancy or risky to your phone. Just run the built-in Application Manager and install an application called "rootsh".

Once the application is installed, just go to terminal shell (I run the built-in application called "X Terminal") and type:

sudo gainroot

You will notice the prompt changes from a "$" (user access) to a "#" (root access). You now have the power to make the device great or to break it.

The phone that could...

This is my first post on my new blog called "Life with Maemo" which is about my Maemo 5 based Nokia N900. Though the blog is called "Life with Maemo" I will be blogging mainly on Maemo 5.

The N900 is a unique device which I simply describe as a "computer with phone functionality". It is great the way Nokia made it to be and is then made even greater by the many linux developers and open source communities who port many great software to the Maemo 5 platform (you can find the mostly concentrated at

I will post random things about the N900 in this blog as I use and experience this wonderful device. That said, I can safely say that I will focus mostly on the few games and security related stuff that I use and experience daily on my N900. I have prepared quite a few things to post here and have slowly been writing articles since October 2010 and will now post them on this blog.

See you in my next post...